Policy passed, on Tuesday 20 Aug
Monthly grant pot for initiatives positively impacting communities
Funds required: £1,000 / mo
Region: 🌍 Africa

We are approaching the end of our first strategic roadmap, culminating in our monthly village income reaching the £10,000 mark. This income level gives us the capital to evolve our impact model up one level and closer to our intended vision.

Our vision for impact: Discover, fund, and support local innovators and projects solving long-term challenges across Africa in sustainable and innovative ways.

Our current projects are highly impactful but sometimes fall short in one of the two categories expressed above (Sustainability or innovativeness). They are also contained, and although they have long-term benefits for communities, the projects themselves are executed in a short time window, capping the potential impact that could be had if more resources were invested over a longer time horizon.


To counterbalance this fact, we will evolve our strategy to better discover local innovators and projects that need support over longer time horizons. We'll also track their impact and use of our resources over time.

As a result of this shift, there will be less focus on initiatives which may well benefit communities but lack innovation and sustainability. Examples include paying school fees for students or similar initiatives.


This policy proposes a "Community Grants Pot" of £1,000 per month. The pot will be made available to initiatives that may not meet our sustainability or innovation standards but still positively impact lives and communities.

If this policy is enacted, a monthly fund of £1,000 will be available for grant funding to qualifying initiatives or organisations. The available funds do not have to be exhausted every month, and any changes to this allowance, such as an increase or decrease, will require a separate policy vote.

We will still perform full due diligence on initiatives or organisations to ensure they qualify for funding from this allowance. Any distribution of funds will be subject to a vote following our regular process.

That's all!

Please cast your vote by Tuesday 20 Aug, and if you have any questions regarding the proposal you can reach out to the Kwanda team on team@kwanda.co