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Who's behind Kwanda?
How can I learn more about your governance and legal structure?
Is Kwanda a registered charity?
How does Kwanda select and vet project partners?
How does Kwanda ensure transparent fund and project management?
How does Kwanda ensure solutions are community-driven and not externally imposed?
Can members contribute skills or expertise beyond financial contributions?
Is there a minimum commitment period for membership?
How does Kwanda evaluate project impact over time?
How much of my contribution goes to projects vs. operations?
Can I choose to support specific types of projects or geographic areas?
How does Kwanda ensure project diversity across different African countries?
How does Kwanda handle project failures?
Can members propose projects for consideration?
Can I increase or decrease my monthly contribution amount?
I'm not able to login with my email address?
Why do I need to pay monthly to join?
Does Kwanda turn a profit for shareholders?
How do I cancel my monthly contribution?
What kind of impact reports do members receive? How often?
How exactly does the voting process work for selecting projects?