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Started: 3 Apr 2021
Completion date: 8 July 2021
Fund capital used


  • Relevant Data
  • Region
    🇷🇼 Rwanda
  • Sector
    🥬 Agriculture

After the success of our first sustainable agriculture project in Rwanda, we have decided to extend funding to the rest of the village.

Nyasibindu village has 174 households. Our first project supported 82 of these households to launch sustainable agriculture projects. This project will support the remaining 92 households in Nyabisindu.

Each family will be provided with expert training in agricultural practice, animal husbandry, finance and saving, which will be organised and carried out by our partners Dufatanye Organization.

Once the training is complete, the organisation will provide each family with 10 banana trees, 2 fruit trees, 2 laying hens, vegetable seeds, and fertiliser - which will provide a sustainable method for them to combat malnutrition and diseases associated with hunger.


Nyabisindu village is located in the Nyanza district and is 6 kilometres from Nyanza town. Within the Nyanza district, the poverty rate is reported as 17.6%, but reality shows that poverty is much in higher villages like Nyabisindu. Along with the high poverty rate, there is much hunger, malnutrition and illiteracy affecting 98% of the village households. The families are predominantly made up of women (up to 90% of the village) who are genocide survivors. The families living in the villages are unable to provide for their daily basic needs. Many make less than $0-$15 a month to live on.


We, alongside Dufatanye Organisation, will provide the remaining 92 households in Nyabisindu village with the training and tools to produce and sustain a balanced diet, as well as financial training to ensure they are well equipped to create an income with any surplus produce.

Continuous training will be provided to the households to ensure long term sustainability of the project. Dufatanye staff members will visit the communities roughly every 2 weeks to provide additional training and support.


This project will sustainably and positively transform the lives of 92 families and 579 individuals by enabling a constant food supply.

Families will learn how to save and produce an income for the first time by selling the surplus produce from their fruit trees, banana trees and laying hens. This income will be used to send children to school and fund other needs community members have, thus creating a path to long-term sustainability, resilience and growth.


From the field

Early evidence is showing that the banana trees are resilient in drought conditions

Posted by Rumbi

Posted 2 Sept 2021

Dufatanye's staff made a field visit to Nyabisindu to check in on the villagers and the banana trees that were planted.

They conducted a small-scale experiment to see how resilient banana trees would be in drought conditions with a sample size of 16 families. 5 families had only one surviving plant, 6 families had two surviving plants and the remaining 5 families had 3 surviving plants.

The experiment has confirmed their hypothesis that it is possible to plant banana trees in the dry season. Next will be to figure out an optimal approach to watering the trees so they survive. Mulching and drip irrigation seem to be the most effective so far - the surviving trees have all been mulched consistently.
We are working with Dufatanye to figure out sustainable water solutions to ensure the villagers can plant all year round with minimal crop losses.

Early drought in East Africa is affecting the project start date

Posted by Rumbi

Posted 8 Jul 2021

There is an early drought that is affecting the villagers in Nyabisindu. We are working with Dufatanye to figure out the best approach going forward.

If they plant vegetables and fruit trees now, it will result in a 70% loss. For bananas, they anticipate a 30% loss. There is also a concern that giving out chickens in the current context will result in heavy losses as well.

We are discussing potentially planting some banana trees now since they will have the least loss and planting fruit trees and vegetables in September when it rains.

I'll provide a further update when I have one.

92 families attended training and have planted 5 banana trees each

Posted by Rumbi

Posted 8 Jul 2021

Our partners Dufatanye have provided training to the villagers in Nyabisindu Village on planting bananas. Due to the early drought, Dufatanye is working with the villagers to plant half the banana trees now and the rest of the trees in September in time for the rainy season. Villagers had the opportunity to ask questions and receive advice relating to the unexpected drought they are experiencing.

92 families attended the training. Each family received five banana suckers. They will receive another five in September in time for the rainy season. The bananas planted now will keep in the soil and will be able to still grow even with only a small amount of water.

Funds have arrived in Rwanda.

Posted by Rumbi

Posted 3 Apr 2021

We're excited to be working on another sustainable agriculture project with Dufatanye.

Godfrey, our contact at Dufatanye and project lead on the ground, has confirmed that they have received funds and will shortly be commencing work on this project.

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