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Two 5000 litre water tanks installed and a drying shed completed.

Posted by Jermaine

Posted 12 Oct 2022

This week, we successfully installed two 5000 litre water tanks at both primary schools.

The tanks will collect and store rainwater 💧 from the classroom roofs and the rationed community borehole water. This water will be used to water Moringa plants on the farms during the dry seasons to keep the Moringa green.

We also completed the construction of a solar dryer used to dry the Moringa produced on the farm. The dryer can also dry other produce like mangoes 🥭, vegetables 🥦 and pigeon peas during times of plenty and store them to be consumed during the dry season. This will guarantee food security and increase the dried products' value at the market.

Your contributions have resulted in food security and business for these primary schools. I'm proud of my role in this, and I hope you are too. I believe the good you put out in the world comes back around 🌍.

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