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15 entrepreneurs have taken out loans

Posted by Rumbi

Posted 15 May 2021

15 entrepreneurs in the Tafataneh group have taken out a loan. The remaining entrepreneurs will be taking out a loan after Thursday this week if their loan forms are approved by Munafa's Credit Committee. The committee meets twice a week to approve loan requests submitted via their field officers.

The entrepreneurs in this group are running businesses around fish drying and selling. A few are selling drinks and condiments.

Munafa will monitor the entrepreneurs’ attendance to trainings at each fortnightly meeting and they will be eligible for further loans based on their attendance. Continuous biweekly trainings allow Munafa to closely follow-up on the entrepreneurs and their businesses. They will also be rolling out further business, social, health, and environmental and gender training for the duration that the entrepreneurs are part of Munafa's program.

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